When it comes to banking services such as checking and savings accounts, loans, and other financial products and services, most people gravitate toward large banks in their area. But many don’t realize that credit unions provide similar products and services at lower cost–plus an added benefit: community involvement! Credit unions value you more as individuals rather than just another account number!
Credit unions differ from banks in that they are owned by their members rather than shareholders. When opening an account at a credit union, your small deposit buys one common share and you become part of its member-owner community – providing access to over 5,000 branches and ATMs through shared branching, with better loan rates, personalized service and lower fees than average fees than banks can offer.
SELCO Community Credit Union also provides mobile and online banking, app-based bill pay, Apple Pay and other convenient services that enable members to manage their money wherever and whenever it suits them. As a not-for-profit consumer cooperative, any profits the credit union earns are returned directly back to its members in terms of higher savings interest rates, reduced fees or other perks.
In addition to its core financial offerings, SELCO Community Credit Union also provides insurance products through a partnership with Liberty House. Furthermore, the credit union supports numerous local charitable endeavors through fundraising events like its annual Pole Pedal Paddle event for Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation as well as therapy dog Eli’s work of providing comfort to children in need.
For all the ways SELCO can help you save and manage your money, visit their website. Additionally, apply online for checking or savings accounts, obtain mortgage, car loan or other loan products through its site, or reach out to one of their representatives with questions about savings strategies or loans products available through them.
As a non-profit, SELCO Community Credit Union has long been dedicated to giving back to the community with scholarships, donations and volunteerism. They recently increased the value of their annual scholarship program by nearly 50% while opening eligibility up for continuing, nontraditional and vocational students – applications are currently being accepted!
There is something indescribably soothing and therapeutic about being wrapped up in fabric, wrapped up and taken home. I liken this experience to taking an antidepressant pill once every week or so… SELCO Community Credit Union welcomes membership from anyone living or working within one of Oregon’s 27 counties that we service, as well as their immediate family (husbands/wives, sons/daughters, brothers/sisters, half-brothers/sisters, parents/stepparents, grandchildren, siblings, aunts/uncles, domestic partners or anyone who resides with an eligible family member). Joining SELCO can be as easy as being referred by one of its member-owners; or as an employee or retiree of one of the companies with which SELCO is associated. Once joining, benefits of membership will extend for life! For more information about all that SELCO offers visit its website.
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